Friday's Stars
You are a writer. You begin with small dreams and work your way up the ladder at your own pace, your own time. Each writer is not the same and each writer does not follow the same writing principles, aspirations or guidelines. What makes you different from another writer? Why are your dreams important to you? What do you want to ultimately accomplish with your dreams or writing endeavors? Here at Mandy's Pages, if you are a writer, regardless of the amount of words you have written in your life, we want to hear your story. Mandy's Pages wants to encourage you to keep at your dream.
Editor Christina Pomoni finds delight in interviewing writers to get to the heart of who each one is. No writer is little in the eyes of Mandy's Pages. If you have a story to tell, insignificant as it may seem, we want to hear it. We want to share in your 'Writing Dreams'.
Image Credit: Star by Marivas695 at Wikimedia Commons
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- Hits: 3643
Friday's Star: Langley Cornwell
Langley Cornwell has published articles, stories and poems since 2009 and brings 30 years of corporate experience to her writing career. Langley has a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications from Appalachian State University and decades of experience in international marketing, product development and positioning, advertising, business planning and corporate communications. Langley also publishes on her own blogs. You’ll find pet-related content on her “Hearts in Fur Coats” blog. Visit the “Langley Writes” blog to learn more about her freelance writing career.
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- Hits: 3720
Friday's Star: ShawnTe Pierce
For over 15-years ShawnTe has provided freelance services for private clients and major companies. Since 2008, she has focused her talents to freelance writing providing clients with her years of experience in fashion, beauty, finance, Judeo-Christian studies, and other topics. Her work is featured on various websites, blogs, and online magazines such as Woman's Day, Daily Glow, Florsheim's Style Blog, Buyer's Zone, Yahoo! Shine, and Vista Magazine.
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- Hits: 3529
Friday's Star: Judith Evans
Judith Evans has been blogging and writing professionally since 2009. She specializes in articles about gardening, home improvement, health and fitness, and spirituality. Evans has a BA in Political Science from the University of New Hampshire and a JD from Vermont Law School. She received her personal trainer certification from American Fitness Professionals and Associates, and her social media certification from Hootsuite.
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- Hits: 3794
Friday's Star: Jeff Bevelheimer
Jeff Bevelheimer is a part time writer, amateur photographer and Photoshop CS6 user with over seven years of experience. His writings cover a wide range of topics that include family experiences, internet safety, gambling and many more. His writing style is laid back, easy going with a bit of sarcasm and humor thrown in where ever possible. Jeff managed to maintain a bright outlook on life, trying to infuse a little silver lining in everything he experiences.
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Friday's Star: John Atchison
John Atchison is a former 20 year IT guy turned writer by necessity. Writing was a passion growing up, but somewhere along the way, other pursuits clouded that. John began his writing rebirth penning pieces for From there, he has spent much time working for Helium, Yahoo, and Bubblews. His dream is to one day write a book about his crazy journey through life.
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- Hits: 3723
Friday's Star: Dawn Hawkins
Dawn has been writing online for more than seven years and boasts over 4,000 articles in that time span. She believes that writing is much more than trying to make a fast buck; it is a way of life and a necessity for those who do it. She resides in a small town in Maryland.
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Friday's Star: Vonda J. Sines
Vonda J. Sines is a print and online writer who specializes in health and medical topics. For many years, she has lived in Virginia, where she operates an animal rescue and is an Oblate of a Benedictine monastery. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and a master’s in writing from Seton Hill University. She’s also a Yahoo! Page View Millionaire.