Writer's Corner
Welcome to the Writer's Corner
This is just the place for you; where you can speak your mind and be heard. It might be just a silly old ditty, or a controversial topic of some sort that has piqued your interest. Whatever be the reason that drives you to write or speak your mind, this is one place where you will be noticed.
Yes, speak your mind and be heard. What you have to say counts.
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- Hits: 8612
The Invisible "Penn State Scandal" Victim 2: Who He is and What Happened
The most complete synopsis of what took place at Penn State on that fateful night a graduate student walked in on Jerry Sandusky in the shower with a boy, who that boy is and what happened.
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- Written by: Amanda Dcosta
- Hits: 3980
How to Write a Constructive Review
When it is time to write a review, how does one word a review. It becomes a touchy scenario when the review is worded wrong, presented in bad light or the review is not received with the mindset it is intended for. How then, does one write a constructive review? Read on to find out the article or writing reviews.
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- Written by: Amanda Dcosta
- Hits: 4248
Indo-Irish Haiku Fest
Priti Paul Invites You to the Indo-Irish Haiku Fest
(talks, discussions, readings, chai and more ... with Ambai and Gabriel Rosenstock).
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- Hits: 4621
NFL Mock Draft 2013 - Page 2
The 2013 NFL draft has arrived this April 25 and hundreds of eager young men fresh out of college are about to embark on fulfilling their dreams and becoming an NFL player. The futures of both coaches and general manager, team owners and players is forged in just 3 exciting days. Adam Clark follows up the 2012 mock draft with the 2013 NFL Mock Draft to get the many sports fans geared up for the game this month end.
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- Hits: 4173
The 2013 National Football League Mock Draft
It was just a year ago when Adam, sports editor at Mandy's Pages, decided to provide his readers with his mock draft of America's most loved sport: National Football League. That was the NFL Mock Draft of 2012. This year he follows it up with the 2013 NFL Mock Draft to get the many sports fans geared up for the game this month end.
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- Written by: Amanda Dcosta
- Hits: 4031
Write Your Heart Out and WIN
So Write Us! What a wonderful way to bring in the winter. Check in to find out the start of an amazing series of contests organized exclusively for us writers. So lets find out details and WRITE!
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- Hits: 17924
One of the most informative and extensive mock drafts on the internet with brief scouting reports for each player, find a great way to prepare yourself for the NFL draft tonight.
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- Hits: 12624
Hubpages, Bubblews or Your Blog: The Case for Each
Are you one of these serious newbie bloggers who debate about the kind of blog they want? This should end your debate. The major deciding factors are a personal blog versus content mills, instant audience versus quality and unique identity versus a stereotype blog. Which will it be? Read on to find the advantages and disadvantages of each.
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- Hits: 3898
How to Increase Your Blog’s Visibility
If you have a blog, it only stands to reason that you will monitor the number of pageviews it generates as a way of grading its progress. How then, do you increase the number of pagviews or attract more visitors to your blog? Read on to find out the basic, yet most effective methods.
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- Hits: 3674
Top Blogging Secret to Enhance Your Blog
Do you have trouble creating content for your blog? Perhaps you should try this proven secret to transform your blog into a powerful force in your niche.
- Definite Ways to Earn Even When You Don't Want to Blog
- Ever Think About Selling Your Blog or Domain?
- Cha-Ching! You've Got Cash!
- One, Two, Three, Four, Five ... Just Five?
- How to Choose the Right Content Management System For Your Blog
- The Right Domain or Sub Domain Choice: Which Will It Be?
- Dare to Share: Why Your Readers Mean the World to Your Blog
- On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
- Blogs? But I'm No Blogging Robot!